Davidoff Winston Churchill – cigars of character
by Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff Cigars is proud to present a new line of exceptional cigars bearing not only the name of Sir Winston Churchill, the world’s most iconic cigar aficionado, but also reflecting his character in all of its facets. The cigar line will be available as of 1st of March globally and exclusively at Davidoff Flagship Stores and Appointed Merchants.
To celebrate the re-launch of this very exceptional cigar line Davidoff Cigars hosted a very British Event in New York in December. There we had the chance to talk to Sir Winston Churchill’s great-grandson Randolph Churchill, who shared some insightful anecdotes about his ancestor. They illustrate the complexity of his character that were the inspiration for the blend of this new line.
Davidoff Cigars (DC): Mr. Churchill how would you describe Sir Winston Churchills relation to cigars? Randolph Churchill (RC): A great cigar was Churchill’s favourite travelling companion and, whether he was being Statesman, Commander, or dinner party guest, he was rarely without one. He knew the value of time. And he always had time for a cigar.
He always had time for a cigarDC: Mr. Churchill can you tell us what art meant to your great-grandfather?
RC: Certainly painting really saved Sir Winston after the disaster of the battle of Gallipoli. Painting helped him to escape from the biggest military and politically defeats anybody could have suffered. In today’s age it is so important for people to take time out and stand back and reflect. Things like painting or enjoying a cigar – which he always did when he was painting –were the most wonderful ways to recharge his batteries and look at the world in a different way. He then also took the paints to the trenches and tried to capture how life was like in those days.Painting really saved Sir WinstonDC: Can you tell us something about his character facets as a commander?
RC: He was very special in all he did. After office he, a government minister, headed off to the trenches and took the full part of a soldier. He got so much inspiration from the soldiers and at the same time earned so much respect from the soldiers because he rolled up his sleeves and got stuck up with them. He fought with them side by side in Cuba, at the northwest frontier, in Africa and in Europe.DC: Sir Winston Churchill travelled a lot. Did he have any particular favourite part of the planet?
RC: He loved the south of France. He painted one quarter of all of his paintings there. He was never happier than in the Casino of Monaco. Even though he lost money there he knew that a cigar would come at the end of the day and rescue him.DC: And during his travels he used to be very busy writing.
RC: Yes. When travelling he always had a secretary with him and dictated until 2-3 in the morning. Sir Winston wrote more than Shakespeare and Dickens combined – 10 million words plus.Sir Winston wrote more than Shakespeare and Dickens combinedDC: Do you think that his ability to be a statesmen was inbuilt in his genetics?
RC: Sir Winston already knew his destiny from a young age. He struggled in school and his reports were shocking but he wrote an essay back then saying that he is going to be the man that saves Europe. When he was in his early twenties he said “We are all worms, but I am a glow-worm”. So he always had this believe that there was a great line in life for him.
DC: Thank you for your time!"We are all worms, but I am a glow-worm"To pay tribute to this very special man Davidoff’s master blender have created a cigar line that is just as complex and unique as Sir Winston Churchill himself. It is crafted with selected tobaccos from four different countries: Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Our Master Blenders embraced and accomplished the challenge of harmonizing these tobaccos. It took time, patience and perseverance to create these fine cigars, and to deliver exceptional blends with the complex character and refined sophistication aficionados expect from Davidoff. The Great Man’s persona, the trait of character, was the inspiration for the chosen formats.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar rangePetit Corona (41 RG x 4 ½ )
The Winston Churchill Petit Corona is the shortest cigar in the range. Due to the smaller RG and the size, this cigar feels stronger and delivers less pronounced flavour nuances in the body. Beautiful pepper flavours together with dark coffee and toasty notes are dominating. Available in boxes of 20 Petit Corona cigars.Robusto (52 RG x 5 ¼ )
The strength is slightly decreased and the flavors are more overt. The complexity of the cigar is more amplified and the flavours more pronounced. Leather with dark coffee flavours take a front role with a creamy aftertaste. Available in boxes of 20 Robusto cigars.Churchill (47 RG x 6 7/8 )
In this majestic format, the aromas are more pronounced, the flavours are multiple and the nuances of the different tobaccos are more independent. The body of the cigar is very present, and the mouthfeel smoke delivers beautiful flavours of chilli pepper and cedar wood in the beginning, leather and roasted flavours in the second third, and finishes off with creamy and nutty notes. Available in boxes of 20 Churchill cigars.Toro (54 RG x 6)
Carrying the largest ring gauge in the Winston Churchill range, it is a grand cigar, from the first spicy, leathery, woody notes through the creamy, sweet influences of the Mexican binder to the final triumphant mix of flavours, courtesy of the Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Condegas. Available in boxes of 20 Toro cigars.Filler:
Piloto Mejorado Seco (Dominican Republic)
Piloto Seco (Dominican Republic)
Hybrid Olor/Piloto Seco (Dominican Republic)
Esteli Seco (Nicaragua)
Condegas Seco (Nicaragua)
Negro San Andres (Mexico)
Ecuador Rojiza (Ecuador)